
Ephesians 4:11-12

“And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ”


Like Love Center Church, SEND: School of Apostolic Ministry is an extension of Joseph Harris Ministries’ purpose and mission to perfect the body of Christ - one soul at a time - by creating environments where they can experience Spirit-led worship and hear the truth of the word of God taught.

SEND focuses on identifying and growing believers in their calling through biblical training and Spirit-led development. As a result, believers will be launched and advance in God’s purpose for their life in whatever sphere of influence He has called them to (ministry or marketplace).

At the completion of their first year, students will graduate with a certificate of completion and be eligible to apply for second-year internship. If selected, students will earn a ministerial ordination/license (pending approval).





  • Apostolic Foundations

  • Foundations of the Supernatural

  • Cross Culture

  • Business Logistics

  • Leadership Development

  • Gifts of the Spirit

  • 5 Fold Ministry

  • Stopping For The One

  • Soul Control

  • How To Reach The Nations

  • Legal Foundations for starting a Business or Ministry


SEND: School of Apostolic Ministry is located in Millersville, Maryland, (a suburb of Baltimore) as well as online. School begins October 2024 and ends June 2025. Students will attend classes two Saturdays a month from 10 am to noon (EST).

Each class consists of worship & prayer, teaching (*some will be special guest speakers), lab time, and group discussion. Students will also be assigned/issued tests, homework, required reading, end-of-semester projects, and a final exam. The school will also feature a missions trip and impartation week in April 2025 where global apostolic leaders will train and impart wisdom into the students. There will also opportunities during the trip to love on and serve the local community with the love of Jesus. The hands-on experience puts into practice and activates what students have been learning.

At the completion of the school, students will graduate with a certificate of completion or a ministerial ordination/license (pending approval).





$500 (Per Semester) = $1000


$50 (Per Semester) = $100

TOTAL $ 1200

Thank you for your interest in attending SEND: School of Apostolic Ministry. At this time, we are able to accept out-of-state and international students for online classes only.

If you are interested in attending and would like to submit an application, please click the “application form” button below. Once you are finished, click the “application fee” button to pay fee.

Application fee

***If you have received your SEND School Acceptance Letter and would like to make a tuition payment, click the button below***

pay tuition


Students who have successfully completed their first year of SEND School are eligible to apply for a second-year student internship. The internships are designed to help returning students cultivate and practice what they learned in their first year and apply it to real-life ministry opportunities. Students will receive hands-on training as they work with various ministry leaders and assist them with ministry needs such as: accompanying them on ministry trips; travel as support staff/ministry team during events; assist with conference planning and execution; teach in first-year ministry classes; and much more. (Monthly lectures are taught virtually by Pastor Heather Ardoin of Faith Christian Worship Center in Eunice, LA.


Second year start date is TBA. Students will attend classes on the 2nd Saturdays of each month from 10am to noon (EST). Classes will consist of worship & prayer, teaching from an instructor, and group discussion. Students will be encouraged to take part in hands-on training and ministry opportunities toward their practicum hours. Second-year students will also attend the missions impartation week with the first-year students, where global apostolic leaders will train and impart wisdom into the students. This is one aspect of the hands-on experience that we use to help activate what students will be learning. Students will also be assigned tests, homework, required reading, end of semester project, and a final exam. Students will graduate with a certificate of completion and a ministerial ordination/license (pending approval).



***If you have received your SEND School Acceptance Letter and would like to make a tuition payment, click the button below***